List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'B': 23257, pages: 582, page 256

"BET CHELY" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 227946430
"BET COMMANDER" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9006186; MMSI: 0
"BET FIGHTER" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9004839; MMSI: 0
"BET ON IT" vessel position
type: Houseboat, IMO: 8648743; MMSI: 339163000
"BET ON IT" vessel position
type: Houseboat, IMO: 8648743; MMSI: 339163000
"BET PRINCE" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9041045; MMSI: 0
"BET SCOUTER" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9050010; MMSI: 0
"Beta" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship , IMO: 8878374; MMSI: 273353420
"BETA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 205519890
"BETA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 277199090
"BETA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 207072374
"BETA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 251352340
"Beta" vessel position
type: Service Ship, IMO: 0; MMSI: 258219500
"BETA" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 5101031; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 5193888; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 6601179; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Chemical Tanker, IMO: 7304883; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Fish Carrier, IMO: 7646700; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 8013728; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO: 8108781; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8227721; MMSI: 0
"BETA" vessel position
type: Crude Oil Tanker, IMO: 9486910; MMSI: 636014395
"BETA CURA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 244050325
"BETA CURA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 244050324
"BETA LEONIS" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 205842910
"BETA LEONIS" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 205564700
"BETA PERSEI II" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 247159680
"Betancuria Express" vessel position
type: Passenger Ro Ro Cargo Ship , IMO: 9557848; MMSI: 225344000
"BETANIA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 224069860
"Betanzos" vessel position
type: Fish Factory Ship , IMO: 7310923; MMSI: 725000291
"Betatank M" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker , IMO: 7729007; MMSI: 511535000
"Beteigeuze" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier , IMO: 9313280; MMSI: 636090995
"BETELEM" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 227161430
"BETELGEIZE" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 7052521; MMSI: 0
"Betelgeuse" vessel position
type: BV, IMO: 9181003; MMSI: 0
"BETELGEUSE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 244210090
"BETELGEUSE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 235063534
"BETELGEUSE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 257751590
"BETELGEUSE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 257042560
"BETELGEUSE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 235116207
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