List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'C': 26083, pages: 653, page 58

"CAGIVOU" vessel position
type: Utility Vessel, IMO: 9766401; MMSI: 520279000
"CAGLAYAN PRINCESS" vessel position
type: Passenger Ship, IMO: 9437957; MMSI: 271010306
"CAHAYA" vessel position
type: Buoy/Lighthouse Vessel, IMO: 5067728; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7429475; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA 02" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9612181; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA 03" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8662816; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA 05" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9793686; MMSI: 525300301
"CAHAYA 89" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 9088811; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA ABADI 201" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 8603298; MMSI: 525023099
"CAHAYA ABADI 201" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 8603298; MMSI: 525023099
"CAHAYA AGUNG" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8966559; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA AGUNG 02" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8994790; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA AGUNG 03" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8998746; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA AGUNG 06" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8746466; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA AGUNG 08" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 9885271; MMSI: 525200200
"CAHAYA AL ARRAHMAN 9" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 9906661; MMSI: 525600078
"CAHAYA ANUGRAH" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8675710; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA ASSAKHOYA" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 9922689; MMSI: 525101402
"CAHAYA BAHAGIA 2021" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 9929625; MMSI: 525201366
"CAHAYA BARU NO 1" vessel position
IMO: 8858984; MMSI: 525300944
"CAHAYA BARU NO 3" vessel position
IMO: 9083938; MMSI: 525300943
"CAHAYA BERSAUDARA" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8798469; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA BUDI MAKMUR 1122" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8570958; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA BUDI MAKMUR E" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 525201358
"CAHAYA BUDI MAKMUR F 112" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8535295; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA BUDI MAKMUR H 112" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8534162; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA CANDI LARAS" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8569533; MMSI: 525000002
"CAHAYA CORAL" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9138070; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA DANA FITRIA" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8568759; MMSI: 525200385
"CAHAYA DANA REZA" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 8348147; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA FITRIA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 525100869
"CAHAYA FORTUNA 172 (NAME UNKNOWN)" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9518567; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA HARAPAN" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 5102633; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA HARAPAN HATI" vessel position
type: Landing Craft, IMO: 9884095; MMSI: 525300241
"CAHAYA INDAH" vessel position
type: Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO: 9609938; MMSI: 533000965
"CAHAYA JAYA" vessel position
IMO: 8984719; MMSI: 525021070
"CAHAYA KAPUAS" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 8131013; MMSI: 0
"CAHAYA KAPUAS 2A" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 8354782; MMSI: 525200541
"CAHAYA KARUNIA" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9096258; MMSI: 525003163
"CAHAYA LAUT" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8888551; MMSI: 0
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