List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'F': 14855, pages: 372, page 235

"FPSO CENDOR" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8818910; MMSI: 533130097
"FPSO CIDADE DE ANGRA DOS REIS MV22" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8919348; MMSI: 311027200
"FPSO CIDADE DE ANGRA DOS REIS MV22" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8919348; MMSI: 311027200
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9180138; MMSI: 311000289
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9180138; MMSI: 311000289
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9740483; MMSI: 311000320
"FPSO CIDADE DE ITAJAI" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8322026; MMSI: 311050200
"FPSO CIDADE DE ITAJAI" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8322026; MMSI: 311050200
"FPSO CIDADE DE NITEROI MV18" vessel position
type: ABS, IMO: 8500123; MMSI: 0
"FPSO CIDADE DE SANTOS MV20" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7325899; MMSI: 308108000
"FPSO CIDADE DE SANTOS MV20" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7325899; MMSI: 308108000
"FPSO CIDADE DE SAO PAULO MV23" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9005211; MMSI: 311050100
"FPSO CIDADE DE SAO PAULO MV23" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9005211; MMSI: 311050100
"FPSO CIDADE DE VITORIA" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7403354; MMSI: 309745000
"FPSO CIDADE DE VITORIA" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7403354; MMSI: 309745000
"FPSO CIDADE DO RIO DE JANEIRO MV14" vessel position
type: ABS, IMO: 8506684; MMSI: 309493000
"FPSO CLOV" vessel position
type: BV, IMO: 9630951; MMSI: 373695000
"FPSO CYRUS" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9260811; MMSI: 372131000
"FPSO DALIA" vessel position
type: BV, IMO: 9343962; MMSI: 351691000
"FPSO EAST COMMANDER" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8770340; MMSI: 0
"FPSO EAST VENTURE" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8770144; MMSI: 0
"FPSO ESPIRITO SANTO" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7372074; MMSI: 309275000
"FPSO ESPIRITO SANTO" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7372074; MMSI: 309275000
"FPSO FIR" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7117436; MMSI: 0
"FPSO FLUMINENSE" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7389405; MMSI: 311483000
"FPSO FLUMINENSE" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7389405; MMSI: 311483000
"FPSO FRADE" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7522318; MMSI: 309864000
"FPSO FRADE" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7522318; MMSI: 309864000
"FPSO GIRASSOL" vessel position
type: BV, IMO: 8764509; MMSI: 0
"FPSO GREATER PLUTONIO" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9315111; MMSI: 310480000
"FPSO GREATER PLUTONIO" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9315111; MMSI: 310480000
"FPSO II" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 6800610; MMSI: 0
"FPSO KIKEH" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7351812; MMSI: 533000241
"FPSO MIAMTE MV34" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9416692; MMSI: 311000852
"FPSO MYSTRAS" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7374280; MMSI: 657430000
"FPSO MYSTRAS" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7374280; MMSI: 657430000
"FPSO PIONEIRO DE LIBRA" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9063067; MMSI: 370823000
"FPSO PIONEIRO DE LIBRA" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9063067; MMSI: 370823000
"FPSO POLVO" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7822122; MMSI: 563086800
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