List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'I': 8027, pages: 201, page 163

"ISLA SAN JOSE" vessel position
type: Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO: 9363730; MMSI: 345050018
"ISLA SAN LUIS" vessel position
type: ABS, IMO: 9563134; MMSI: 345050024
"ISLA SAN LUIS" vessel position
type: Crewboat, IMO: 9563134; MMSI: 345050024
"ISLA SANANDRES" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 224143780
"ISLA SANTA CRUZ" vessel position
type: LRS, IMO: 9378981; MMSI: 345050020
"ISLA SANTA CRUZ" vessel position
type: Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO: 9378981; MMSI: 345050020
"ISLA SANTA CRUZ" vessel position
type: Patrol Vessel, IMO: 9677818; MMSI: 735059023
"ISLA SANTAY" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 6723795; MMSI: 735059008
"ISLA SERRANA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 730000406
"ISLA SGUAGE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 725000454
"ISLA SHOAL" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 997251121
"ISLA SIMARA" vessel position
type: Passenger/Ro-Ro Ship (vehicles), IMO: 9891921; MMSI: 0
"ISLA SOFIA" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 7222918; MMSI: 0
"ISLA TAUTIL" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9006227; MMSI: 725003474
"ISLA TAUTIL" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9006227; MMSI: 725003474
"ISLA TELLEZ" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9066069; MMSI: 725003192
"ISLA TELLEZ" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9066069; MMSI: 725003192
"ISLA VERDE" vessel position
type: Offshore Supply Ship, IMO: 9260782; MMSI: 345070152
"ISLA VERDE" vessel position
IMO: 926078200; MMSI: 345070152
"ISLA VERDE" vessel position
type: Refrigerated Cargo Ship, IMO: 6413819; MMSI: 0
"ISLA VERDE" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 7306441; MMSI: 0
"ISLA VERDE CINCO" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 224229880
"ISLA VERDE DOS" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 224094450
"ISLA VERDE UNO" vessel position
IMO: 8100589; MMSI: 224139350
"ISLA B" vessel position
IMO: 5393555; MMSI: 232007860
"Isla Bella" vessel position
type: Container Ship , IMO: 9680841; MMSI: 338760000
"Isla Caguache" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship , IMO: 7608710; MMSI: 725000964
"Isla De Bioko" vessel position
type: Chemical Oil Products Tanker , IMO: 9767235; MMSI: 374402000
"ISLA S" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 9021497; MMSI: 235089665
"Isla Tenglo" vessel position
type: Passenger Ro Ro Cargo Ship , IMO: 7825629; MMSI: 725000965
"Isla.maillen" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship , IMO: 8222812; MMSI: 725000981
"ISLABORG" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 211585110
"ISLAM" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 6819075; MMSI: 0
"ISLAM KERIMOV" vessel position
type: Crane Ship, IMO: 8507420; MMSI: 423099100
"ISLAM SEFERLI" vessel position
type: Crude Oil Tanker, IMO: 8228646; MMSI: 423036100
"ISLAMABAD" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7822706; MMSI: 0
"ISLAMAR TERCERO" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 7102601; MMSI: 0
"ISLAMI 1" vessel position
type: Offshore Supply Ship, IMO: 8973198; MMSI: 0
"ISLAMKERIMOV" vessel position
IMO: 8507420; MMSI: 423099100
"ISLAMORADA" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 227257920
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