List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'O': 10555, pages: 264, page 237

"Ot 2110bn t 04" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 0; MMSI: 273331520
"OT 2112" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273368450
"Ot 2113" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273338890
"Ot 2115" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273365340
"OT 2116" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273360550
"OT 2126" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273335520
"OT 2127" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273330590
"OT 2410" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273362450
"OT 2412" vessel position
IMO: 276; MMSI: 273337940
"OT 2426" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 0; MMSI: 273331260
"OT 2429" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273338940
"OT 2431" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8995158; MMSI: 273312140
"OT 2431" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8995158; MMSI: 273312140
"OT 2433" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8995160; MMSI: 273443690
"Ot 2434" vessel position
type: Pusher Tug, IMO: 0; MMSI: 273319010
"OT 2435" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273330260
"Ot 2437" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 0; MMSI: 273361110
"OT 2438" vessel position
type: RMRS, IMO: 8995172; MMSI: 273311140
"OT 2438" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8995172; MMSI: 273311140
"OT 2439" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8995184; MMSI: 273452670
"OT 2442" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273141910
"OT 2443" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273424810
"OT 2446" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273142910
"OT 2451" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273337160
"OT 2452" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273361450
"OT 2453" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273338160
"OT 2454" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273315010
"OT 2459" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273332260
"OT1504" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273301698
"OT1516" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273441092
"OT2023" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273311670
"OT2035" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273365420
"OT2048" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273366420
"OT2050" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273367420
"OT2069" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273310670
"OT2130 F" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273354654
"OT2131" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273358750
"OT2422" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273345940
"OT2425" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273149810
"OT2427" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 273143910
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