List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'O': 10555, pages: 264, page 38

"OCEAN EXPLORER" vessel position
type: Research Vessel, IMO: 7805239; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPLORER I" vessel position
type: Houseboat, IMO: 7308700; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPORTER" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8615978; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9347085; MMSI: 352980769
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 316021409
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9347085; MMSI: 352980769
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 5246738; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 7346893; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7713333; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 8872124; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 8954922; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS 3" vessel position
type: Passenger Ship, IMO: 8695710; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EXPRESS I" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7815698; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN EYES" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 338337249
"OCEAN EYES" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 378111802
"OCEAN FAITH" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9776626; MMSI: 419001243
"OCEAN FAITH" vessel position
type: Tug, IMO: 9776626; MMSI: 419001243
"OCEAN FAITH" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 6502268; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN FAITH" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7824845; MMSI: 548183100
"OCEAN FALCON" vessel position
type: Offshore Tug/Supply Ship, IMO: 9698915; MMSI: 538071803
"OCEAN FALCON" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 7733319; MMSI: 367701930
"OCEAN FALCON" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 7010092; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN FAME 1" vessel position
type: Bunkering Tanker, IMO: 8562016; MMSI: 477996014
"OCEAN FAME 8" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 477996060
"OCEAN FAME 8" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 413045678
"OCEAN FAMILY" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 6803076; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN FAMOUS" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 7352775; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN FANTASY" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 203247782
"OCEAN FARM NE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 990000002
"OCEAN FARM NW" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 990000005
"OCEAN FARM SE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 990000004
"OCEAN FARM SW" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 990000003
"OCEAN FATHERS" vessel position
type: Fishing Vessel, IMO: 8847703; MMSI: 0
"OCEAN FAVOUR" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9919888; MMSI: 477722800
"OCEAN FAYE" vessel position
type: Crude Oil Tanker, IMO: 9321689; MMSI: 334919000
"OCEAN FEATHER" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9596715; MMSI: 563162600
"Ocean Felicity" vessel position
type: NKK, IMO: 9522867; MMSI: 370248000
"OCEAN FEVER" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 367173690
"OCEAN FIVE" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 257890370
"OCEAN FLEET" vessel position
type: Bulk Carrier, IMO: 9262637; MMSI: 636021869
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