Recent vessels visits to the port and vessels passing by the port in recent times (indicative data).
On the page of each ship you can see which ports it called.

Contact details, port services, terminals, warehouses, cranes, logistics, surveying and other services will be progressively added and updated.
(If you are a representative of the port, and you want to add information, write to us by mail: info[at]shipinfo.net)

Recent vessels near the port (coming in or passing by):

(03-25 13:39) SWIFT
     IMO: 0, MMSI: 244822000
(03-25 13:39) UNION 1
     IMO: 0, MMSI: 244780050
(03-21 09:50) KLASIENA
     IMO: 0, MMSI: 245146725
(03-25 13:39) CYCLOOP
     IMO: 0, MMSI: 244670800
(03-14 09:25) 244659651
     IMO: 0, MMSI: 244659651

Shipping companies (lines) whose ships most often called at the port APPINGEDAM:

Wagenborg Shipping BV, traffic: 27
AMASUS SHIPPING, traffic: 11
WIJNNE BARENDS, traffic: 9
Vertom Bereederungs GmbH, traffic: 4
Arklow Shipping, traffic: 2
Casper Chartering Limited, traffic: 2
Era Chartering Bv, traffic: 2
Glory Denizcilik ve Gemi, traffic: 1

Frequent port vessels:

Types of vessels calling at the seaport APPINGEDAM:

You can see the routes between any ports here. List of ships that go between given ports (marine traffic).

Recent vessel arrivals at the port

Estimated data
03-25 13:39 SWIFT
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244822000 |
03-25 13:39 UNION 1
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244780050 |
03-21 09:50 KLASIENA
IMO: 0, MMSI: 245146725 |
03-25 13:39 CYCLOOP
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244670800 |
03-14 09:25 244659651
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244659651 |
03-25 13:37 GRUNO 2
IMO: 8433382, MMSI: 244882000 |
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700419 |
03-14 12:07 ANDA
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244820148 |
03-17 19:07 244699905
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244699905 |
03-25 13:36 Speyk
IMO: 9374698, MMSI: 244110938 | General Cargo Ship
03-25 13:39 REIGER
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244750215 |
03-25 13:37 KAILANI III
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244790664 |
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244013663 |
03-25 13:37 NJORD PETREL
IMO: 0, MMSI: 235095777 |
03-25 15:03 STEVEN B
IMO: 0, MMSI: 235056017 |
03-25 13:36 MORGENST0ND
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244070575 |
03-25 13:38 MERCUUR
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244670179 |
03-23 18:47 JAN WILLEM
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244615158 |
IMO: 0, MMSI: 235095774 |
03-24 15:39 ORCA
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244020631 |
03-25 13:39 EEMS NO1
IMO: 0, MMSI: 245747000 |
03-19 14:21 244783700
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244783700 |
03-25 20:00 TRITON
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244870290 |
03-25 13:39 RONARIS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700485 |
03-25 13:39 JACQUELINE
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244730429 |
03-25 13:38 NELLIE
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244660891 |
03-25 13:37 VRIJHEID
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244630745 |
03-17 12:13 SJOUWER
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700876 |
03-25 13:39 WATERSTAD
IMO: 8985969, MMSI: 246343000 |
03-25 13:39 WATERPEIL
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244710718 |
03-25 13:38 OBERON
IMO: 0, MMSI: 211513060 |
03-25 13:39 GYAS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244780905 |
03-25 13:39 WATERLELIE
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244710981 |
03-25 13:37 EILTANK 230
IMO: 0, MMSI: 211476020 |
03-25 13:39 RIJMOS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244730796 |
03-25 13:39 AMASUS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 246039000 |
03-20 03:47 MIRFAK
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244780852 |
03-25 13:39 PONTIAC
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244660959 |
03-25 13:39 RWS 74
IMO: 9479266, MMSI: 246582000 |
03-25 13:39 Flevoborg
IMO: 9419292, MMSI: 245226000 | General Cargo Ship
03-25 13:37 KRALINGEN
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700414 |
03-25 13:39 TURBULENT
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244650995 |
03-20 05:48 245240888
IMO: 0, MMSI: 245240888 |
03-25 13:36 Hydra
IMO: 9356488, MMSI: 244765000 | General Cargo Ship
03-15 14:15 NAARDEN
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244670914 |
03-25 13:37 Ostfriesland
IMO: 8324622, MMSI: 211214960 | Passenger Ro Ro Cargo Ship
03-25 13:38 ARGUS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244730009 |
03-25 13:38 Arklow-Castle
IMO: 9757101, MMSI: 250004289 | Multi Purpose Carrier
03-25 13:37 MARGJE
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244830189 |
03-25 13:39 DONATA
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700103 |
03-25 13:39 MAIN III
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700201 |
03-25 13:39 ORIENTIS
IMO: 0, MMSI: 211512900 |
03-25 13:39 OBDURO
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244660809 |
03-25 13:38 HENREAN
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244700161 |
03-18 01:03 244623745
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244623745 |
03-25 13:39 VOLHARDING 9
IMO: 0, MMSI: 244710874 |

Top routes from the port APPINGEDAM