vessel FV ST GEORGES PZ1053 IMO: 7333872,
Vessel FV ST GEORGES PZ1053 IMO: 7333872,
MMSI: 232005630 callsign: GDNT size: x

Find the position of the vessel FV ST GEORGES PZ1053 on the map. The latter are known coordinates and path.

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The current position of vessel FV ST GEORGES PZ1053 is 49.4957 lat / -6.21326 lng. Updated: 2024-06-17 08:12:02 UTC

Currently sailing under the flag of United Kingdom


Last coordinates of the vessel:
UTC, 49.4317, -5.98883, course: -1, speed: 5
UTC, 49.4198, -6.02249, course: -1, speed: 4.3
UTC, 49.4482, -6.09931, course: -1, speed: 1.3
2024-06-17 08:12:02 UTC, 49.4957, -6.21326, course: -1, speed: 3.4

Most frequent ports a vessels calls at FV ST GEORGES PZ1053 (232005630):

Bishop Rock, traffic: 1
Den Helder, traffic: 1

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FV_ST_GEORGES_PZ1053 (232005630) last ports (portcalls and passsages)

Bishop Rock | 2023-05-25 14:34:29
Den Helder | 2022-10-31 08:55:30