List of ships shown on a map online

The links show the location of the vessel on the map

Total vessels starting with a 'P': 21283, pages: 533, page 233

"PETROBRAS 48" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7326908; MMSI: 354894000
"PETROBRAS 50" vessel position
type: ABS, IMO: 7391824; MMSI: 538001793
"PETROBRAS 54" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7391812; MMSI: 538002512
"PETROBRAS 54" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7391812; MMSI: 538002512
"PETROBRAS 62" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9044217; MMSI: 538004841
"PETROBRAS 63" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7385124; MMSI: 538005076
"PETROBRAS 63" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7385124; MMSI: 538005076
"PETROBRAS 66" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654012; MMSI: 538005508
"PETROBRAS 66" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654012; MMSI: 538005508
"PETROBRAS 67" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654024; MMSI: 538005509
"PETROBRAS 67" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654024; MMSI: 538005509
"PETROBRAS 68" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654048; MMSI: 636017704
"PETROBRAS 68" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654048; MMSI: 636017704
"PETROBRAS 69" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654036; MMSI: 636017705
"PETROBRAS 69" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654036; MMSI: 636017705
"PETROBRAS 70" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654062; MMSI: 636017687
"PETROBRAS 70" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9654050; MMSI: 636017687
"PETROBRAS 71" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9855044; MMSI: 636017688
"PETROBRAS 74" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9012824; MMSI: 636018032
"PETROBRAS 74" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9012824; MMSI: 636018032
"PETROBRAS 75" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9005273; MMSI: 636018033
"PETROBRAS 75" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9005273; MMSI: 636018033
"PETROBRAS 78" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9959096; MMSI: 0
"PETROBRAS 79" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 9955674; MMSI: 0
"PETROBRAS II" vessel position
type: Drilling Ship, IMO: 7300693; MMSI: 0
"PETROBRAS SUDOESTE" vessel position
type: LPG Tanker, IMO: 5421986; MMSI: 0
"PETROBRAS SUL" vessel position
type: LPG Tanker, IMO: 5276355; MMSI: 0
"PETROBRAS XVIII" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8762874; MMSI: 538003076
"PETROBRAS XVIII" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 8762874; MMSI: 538003076
"PETROBRAS XXXIII" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7357749; MMSI: 356790000
"PETROBRAS XXXIII" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship, IMO: 7357749; MMSI: 356790000
"Petrobras 53" vessel position
type: Offshore Processing Ship , IMO: 7385136; MMSI: 538002370
"Petrobras 57" vessel position
type: Offshore Support Vessel , IMO: 8617225; MMSI: 538003496
"Petrobras 58" vessel position
type: Fpso Tanker , IMO: 9012238; MMSI: 538003137
"Petrobras 76" vessel position
type: Fpso Tanker , IMO: 9005223; MMSI: 636009681
"Petrobras 77" vessel position
type: [oil_and_chemical_tanker.fso] , IMO: 8906913; MMSI: 636018174
"PETROBULK 1" vessel position
type: General Cargo Ship, IMO: 9643257; MMSI: 341355000
"PETROCO" vessel position
type: Oil Products Tanker, IMO: 7534414; MMSI: 0
"PETROCRAFT 1905 01" vessel position
IMO: 0; MMSI: 538008192
"Petrodvorets" vessel position
type: ABS, IMO: 9186596; MMSI: 0
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